A quick note from the author:
This is a brief message that will have to suffice until I
find the time to write a better one. 
This site is 100% profit free (at this time) I may however
offer a shareware service from the Downloads section at a
later date.
I have a few reasons for creating and maintaining this site.
- It is a good creative outlet that also allows me to have
my say in a medium moderated only by me
- It is one way in which I can contribute to the Internet,
by consolidating various oddities, educational materials,
entertainment and useful resources in to one convenient
central location
- It provides me with a place to make my work available
to others
- It allows me to develop my web design and technical skills
further, whilst also allowing me to provide an online demonstration
of my graphics and web design / construction abilites, in
short a resumé accompanyment
Future plans for this site:
When time, hosting space, finances, etcetera allow I hope
to add the following services to this site.
- Message board service
- Forums (instead of, or as well as the Message board)
- Guest book
- A substantial downloads area, to provide access to requested
items and items produced by myself or other users. Items
that will NOT be included (Including
but not limited to):
- pornographic material (Within reasonable confines.
Renaisance artwork containing a nude does not, in my
opinion, classify as pornography)
- pirate software or music
- illegally distributed passwords, usernames, serial
numbers, etc...
- anti-security items (software, documents, etc...)
- malicious or anti-social items (virii, mail bombers
- cracked, or other wise illegally modified software
- any item in breach of copyright
- Items to be included in the downloads section (including
but not limited to):
- music and audio produced by myself or other users
or any other audio that is not in breach of copyright
- artworks produced by myself or other users or any
other graphics that is not in breach of copyright laws
- software, shareware or freeware (and full commercial
software if I organise online payment)
- texts, subject to appropriate copyight laws
- I am also allowing for requests by users or other persons,
so long as they are legal and not in conflict with my moral
guidelines, I.E. if it it legal but WRONG then it will not
happen, but if it is genuinely a good request then I will
endevour to fulfil it.
More when I get 'round to it,
Site Author, Nick
Phipps (glow wyrm)